Sportswriting Camp

Writing about sports can make your writing more descriptive, powerful and active, In Coaching Detroit Forward's immersive Sportswriting Camp at The Detroit Writing Room, Detroit high students will engage in fun games and activities with like-minded peers and write about the action. They’ll also meet and engage with local sportswriters and athletes, attend a live sports event and write a post-game story, and have their stories printed in a magazine featuring their work.

The Coaching Detroit Forward Sportswriting Camp is a two weeklong camp in July and August. The session will have about 10 Detroit high school students. The Monday through Friday camp is heavily focused on learning and practicing sportswriting. We have partnered with Lynne Golodner, founder and CEO of the nonprofit One Earth Writing, who has taught sportswriting camps at Wayne State University.

We are also employing coaches from The Detroit Writing Room who will provide different lessons for the students. For instance, one day may be sports column writing with Neal Rubin, a Detroit News columnist and former sportswriter. Another day may be sports photography with Erin Kirkland, who has captured athletes for ESPN. We will also have guest speakers such as Sports Illustrated writer Michael Rosenberg, Detroit News sports reporter Rod Beard, Detroit Pistons photographer Justin Milhouse and professional athletes. The students will also go on field trips to Detroit PAL sports events to practice writing about live action and writing on deadline. Their work will be published in a magazine at the end of the summer.

Included in the camp:

  • Daily lunch for students

  • Bus transportation to and from The Detroit Writing Room

  • Field trips to Detroit PAL

    The application will be released in March 2020.

Photo courtesy One Earth Writing