Natalia Garcia

Junior at Cass Tech High School

Hometown: Detroit, MI

My focus for this project was to create something eerie and creepy. I’ve always liked the unusual and thought that I should create a space that would reflect that unusual feeling. For my photos, I used many different techniques such as lighting/shadows, played around with angles, and used my shutter speed and aperture to create blurry and dreamy effects. I really enjoyed shooting this because while I was having fun, so were my models. I got to do their makeup and direct them so that the shots were exactly how I wanted them to be. I also really enjoyed being able to do whatever I wanted with these photos. I wasn’t restricted to only using white lights or a plain white background, I was able to experiment with poses and scenery wherever I wanted. I really enjoyed this camp and cannot wait to stay in touch with the friends I made and the coaches I met. 


Naomi Contreras-Hernández


Nick Hicks